Why Emotional Intelligence

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom – Aristotle

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to use emotions effectively and productively. It is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, having empathy, for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. It is a critical skill for enhancing both intrapersonal and interpersonal effectiveness. for achieving personal and career goals and for attaining better physical and mental health .It is a ability which enables a person to make optimum use of his intellect and technical competency.

Whether it is our personal life or professional we all function in relational environment. It is a melting pot of different personalities, traits , strengths and emotions. A person with a high emotional intelligence will be able to navigate through the multifarious challenges in a much better manner enriching himself as well as the people around him and have a positive impact on the society at large.


It isn’t the stress that makes us fall , it is how we respond to the stressful events. Having a high IQ does not necessarily guarantee success in life, it has been brought out in empirical studies that many of the attributes required for success fall under the domain of Emotional Intelligence. While IQ is relatively fixed over ones lifetime, Emotional Intelligence in a person can be harnessed, nurtured and developed through conscious and focused efforts. Neuroscientists have shown that the emotional circuits are malleable and change with the nature of inputs. Studies in the field of neuroplasticity are bringing in new evidences as regards the changes that happen in the brain as we develop. These changes can be channelized in a positive direction through structured interventions , extended practice and feedback. Emotional Intelligence is not just a manifestation of outwardly behavior but also represents a distinct physical state within the brain.

Emotional Intelligence needs to be developed from an early age. Social and Emotional Learning has been made an integral part of school education in many countries. Through this intervention the child is equipped with a skill which is critical for his future progress. As the child grows into adulthood and further, in addition to the technical competence, it is the level of emotional intelligence which largely defines his or her success in their personal and professional lives.

Having a high Emotional Intelligence is beneficial for everyone , be it children or adults, be it men or women, be it professionals, employees , entrepreneurs or homemakers. It not only assists an individual to attain a successful , enriching and satisfying life but has an impact on the building a peaceful and just society. Emotional Quotient is, in many ways, the essence of being human.

We have to learn to manage emotions so that they work for us and not against us.