What We Do

Yam hi na vyathayanthyethe purusham purusharshabha Samadhukha sukham dheeram somruthathvaya kalpathe

That calm man who is the same in pain and pleasure, who these cannot disturb alone is able, O great amongst men,
to attain to immortality. – (Bhagavad-Gita, Ch. II, verse 15)

In the field of Emotional Intelligence we

  • organise workshops, webinars, conferences, for different beneficiary groups
  • conduct short term courses
  • undertake research on related topics
  • provide consultancy services
  • have partnership and alliances with national and international institutions for research, knowledge sharing and faculty exchange
  • undertake study of selected Indian literature to bring forth the perspective of Emotional Intelligence in our traditional knowledge and wisdom
  • act a policy advisory group and a think tank
  • aspire to become a vibrant platform for the academicians, professionals and scholars to meet, interact and deliberate