
The value of an emotionally intelligent homemaker for the family
members and the society cannot simply be over emphasized..

For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.
– William Ross Wallace

The home is the place every member of society is born into. The relationship and atmosphere within the family has a profound bearing on how the children shape up as they grow. Family is where our first and strongest emotional memories are made, Love and support of the family members are ones greatest support. Too often, however, our interactions within family are filled with misunderstanding and resentment, This adversely impacts the psyche of the child and also the personal and professional life of the other family members.

Within the family, the homemaker, the wife, the mother irrespective of whether she is a housewife or a working woman, is the pivot around which everything revolves. Her being emotionally intelligent is the key to a happy and successful family. With emotional understanding, management and empathy she can navigate through the challenges, generate family harmony and also instill these qualities in other family members. The value of an emotionally intelligent homemaker for the family members and the society cannot simply be over emphasized.
