
Administrators with high EI are better suited to create a governance paradigm which is efficient, responsive, transparent and equitable..

Governance refers to the exercise of political and administrative authority at all levels to manage a country’s affairs Quality of governance has become an area of serious deliberation because of its impact on the achievement or otherwise of the development goals. The institutional and human capacities for governance determine the effectiveness of public policies and strategies and the attainment of socio economic outcomes.

Emotional Intelligence in the administrators is a critical quality which augments their understanding of the public needs and sensitivities enabling them to formulate appropriate strategies and implementation mechanisms. They would also respond better in conflict and emergency situations which requires spontaneous and intuitive decision making.

Administrators with high EI are better suited to create a governance paradigm which is efficient, responsive ,transparent, equitable and inclusive which is also manifested in the high level of respect and trust the citizens have on them. Participation and engagement of the public is the key differentiator behind any governance success and Emotional Intelligence has a pivotal role to play in it.
